Astăzi, 10 Noiembrie 2011 a avut loc o activitate de popularizare a astronomiei în cadrul "Festivalului Şanselor Tale". S-au prezentat clipuri video despre Calea Lactee văzută din interior, de pe Terra şi văzută din exterior, model 3D. S-a precizat astfel locul nostru în Univers. La acestă activitate au participat elevii clasei a VIII-a A.
Permanent Education Week in Romania
Festival of Your Chances
Today, November 10, 2011 has been a work of popularization of astronomy in the "Festival of Your Chances". Was showed the videos of the Milky Way seen from inside , to the Earth and seen from the outside, 3D model. Our place in the Universe was established. In this activity was participated the students of 8 grade A.

Permanent Education Week in Romania
Festival of Your Chances
Today, November 10, 2011 has been a work of popularization of astronomy in the "Festival of Your Chances". Was showed the videos of the Milky Way seen from inside , to the Earth and seen from the outside, 3D model. Our place in the Universe was established. In this activity was participated the students of 8 grade A.

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