Aceste activităţi au avut ca temă "Misiuni Spaţiale". La aceste activităţi au participat aproximativ 50 de elevi. Activitaţile au fost organizate de prof. Golumbeanu Anamaria şi au constat în prezentări, creare de postere, rebusuri şi eseuri pe teme de astronomie.
De asemenea , cu lucrările realizate a fost orgamizată o expoziţie tematică în holul şcolii.

In April, took place educational activities dedicated to Global Astronomy Month .
These activities was focused on "Mission Space". These activities were attended by approximately 50 students. The activities were organized by Professor Anamaria Golumbeanu and consisted of presentations, creating posters, crosswords, poems and essays .
Also, with the work done was organized a thematic exhibition in the school hall.